Sunday, May 28, 2006

HOT SUMMER in Batangas!

My sister's bf Ray rode the car with me, my cousin girl Den2x, cousin girl's bf John and my sister Ate Bum to go to Starbuck Coffee, Petron in Laguna last May 28 at the night. We drank complete kinds of coffee for a few minute. Ray drove speed way to Batangas at midnight and i also played PSP (PlayStation Prot..) in game what Speed Car. These are same time and speed. I was crazy-play. Later time, I slept alone in the bedroom. My aunt was there in Batangas for waiting us.

Last May 29, I waked up the morning. I saw no food but they were lazy to cook! So we will be going to Shell Club House that's no need to eat. How excited i just jumped the pool to splash the water with them. I swam for exercing but it's not long time becuse i breathed how i depend to feel. We had to eat a lunch very delicious food for 1 1/3 hours. Hehehehe!!! We first rested more and relax... Again, we swam the pool when to finish the time. We went to SM Batangas to eat dinner Flavor of China. I tasted good but i love chinese food whatever filipino, anyway. My aunt would be asked us to drink Starbuck Coffee. They shyly said everything's ok but for me i just said "Yeah." We drunk together and then left there. We arrived in the house for very ready to prepare and sleep the time.

Last May 30, we had to do something like the swimming, lunch and going home, not dinner. We were going on the way when we pass to Laguna. We ate Filipino food but i miss Chinese food. We were gone to home in the evening but it's very hot in the city. I laid on the bed very hot!!!!

The summer make me so excited or adjectival emotion...


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